Depression & Self Isolation…

You know what I am going to speak very candidly here because since the whole corona virus pandemic started I have been trying so hard, fighting the fight to stay positive and keep it moving forward but yesterday really was just too much! Throughout this whole scenario I have been advocating structure, routine, positive behaviours,…

‘What A Time To Be Alone’

Given the current corona pandemic we are obliged to self-isolate but for some of us single folk this means doing so alone. At first I found this particularly difficult because I suffer with bipolar and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). In addition, I am now sober and so no longer wish to turn to illicit substances…

Mental Health, Sobriety & Self-Isolation…

I recall that on Tuesday 10th March my art class was cancelled due to the ‘corona virus’ that was sweeping across Europe. The government was criticised for not acting fast enough or issuing clear guidelines in terms of what we were to do as a people. It would appear that everything happens on a Tuesday…

One Year of Sobriety!

One Year of Sobriety! To be more specific I am now one year and two months sober; fourteen months in total. Of course this post is for anyone interested but if you are in the throes of addiction, trying to get sober or are a family member related to someone suffering with the disease then…

My Drug Dealer Was A Doctor!

I am an addict through and through and so I would first like to say that the onus has always been very much on me. I take full responsibility for my actions and the problems that have ensued. Although, I would also argue that doctors and various other medical professionals have also played a part…

Ten Months Sober!

Where are we guys? It’s been a while! Not sure as to why but for whatever reason I have been experiencing a creative block and so haven’t really felt like writing or communicating anything although I am pleased to tell you that I have continued with my journey and am now ten months sober! Woop…

Cold Showers, Wild Swimming & I Found My Tribe!

It came to a point in my life where I literally had to ask myself a very important question, do you want to be a drug addict or not? Although my circumstances were increasingly difficult, it was actually really quite simple, what did I want for myself and my life moving forward? Despite being well…

How Can We Move Forward? Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway!

Just because you have been through something, do not let it define you. Yes I went through that, but I am not that! I am so much more than my mental health and addiction issues. Although I am an ‘addict’ I am now over seven months sober! Not one to congratulate myself all that much…

Homelessness & How I Can Be Of Service…

If I can’t be anything else then I will be kind and as far as is possible, generous. As I expressed in my last blog entry, I really took a lot from the twelve step program and the narcotics anonymous meetings that I attended. The main one being that of ‘service’. What does it mean…

Talk to me about ‘Narcotics Anonymous’ #N/A

Could I please put it out there and ask the universe as to whether I should attend a Narcotics Anonymous group? I am now nearly seven months sober but often find myself wondering if I need to be following a program in order to remain clean for the duration and sober in the long term?…